Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A little about myself

Well, it's my very first post. Never thought I'd start a blog like this, but decided it was time to start my own blog about thrifting and crafting adventures.

Why Thrifting?

Why not? There's something exhilarating about finding that gem amongst a big rack of clothing or shelves of home decor. Then, when you look down at the price tag and see how little it costs -that's when you decide thrifting is well worth the time and energy!

Over the past couple years, I have developed a strong admiration for thrift shopping. I was taught by a fellow, much more experienced and wise thrifter. In a way, she took my on as an apprentice without knowing it and I absorbed any knowledge she lent me about the ins and outs. Now, I barely buy anything unless it's at a local thrift store. 

Okay, I admit, I do go to the mall and other chain stores...but only when there are sales!

Why Crafting?

One other thing you should know about me is that I love learning new, crafty things. I'm not sure why but my hands always need something to do and my mind needs to be entertained by new tasks every couple of hours. Plus, creativity is something that's always sparked my interest.

That's where crafting can be a great resource to meet these needs! I have lots of hopes of what I'd like to do and a long list that will probably never get finished. But, I am starting somewhere.

The three things I am going to learn this year are:

  1. Making handmade jewelry, particularly silver earrings
  2. Making handmade headbands out of lace and fake flowers
  3. Illustrating t-shirt designs and transferring and adhering it to the t-shirt
Thanks for reading! Get ready for another blog post this week -not sure whether it will be a thrift store find or a craft quite yet. :)

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