Sunday, September 9, 2012

Crafting: Landscape Photos

When I first thought about writing this entry, I had to question myself for a second. When I thought of crafting I didn't necessarily believe photography fells underneath that category at first. The way I defined craft was some sort of jewelry, clothing, pottery, or any artistic endeavor that involved making something with your hands. Well, although you don't mold a photo with your bare hands - you still take something and make it your own. You set the exposure, align the lens to the angle you wish and do postproduction. Photography really IS it's own craft.

Below are photos I took from this past weekend in Frankfort.

The first two have no altered color in the photos. This is what they really looked like! There was a weird storm coming in and it was close to twilight. Very eerie colors and clouds - but beautiful!

Because of my new work routine - I wake up around 6am. So, I see the sunrise most mornings. Even though it was the weekend, my body alerted me that it was time to get up (thankfully at 7am!). I was able to catch the sunrise and some beautiful things it did!

Moon during the day. So pretty!

Thanks for checking out my photos from this past weekend. Hope yours was just as sunny! :)

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