Friday, February 22, 2013

Crochet Bows and Mustaches

This week has been a whirlwind in more than one way. It's been extremely icy and snowy here in Grand Rapids. Tuesday was the day of ice upon ice upon ice. Today, Friday, is the day of wind and snow. The school I bus aide for was cancelled, therefore, I was able to devote some time to blogging.

Besides the weather whirlwind, I've just been busy busy busy. I like busy. But, when I get to a certain point, I always have to make sure to schedule in time to relax. How weird does that sound? Scheduling relaxation time? But, if I don't do this, I will burn out. A way of relaxing for me as of lately has become crocheting. My mind and hands must focus on one task -which is quite freeing. With the world in so much of a multi-tasking mode - to devote all your effort and concentration to one thing, is a nice break.

Back to the main focus of this post: crocheting bows and mustaches. :)

This week, while on pinterest, I found some amazing free patterns for bows and mustaches. Thank you to Craftiness is not optional for the bow pattern and Walker Whimsy for the mustache pattern. While, I followed the tutorial to a tee for the bow, I did make some of my own alterations to the mustache pattern.

{ Bow }

 After I made the bow, I made a skinny headband by single crocheting a few rows and sewing the ends together. :)

If anyone wants a bow headband for themsevles, someone they know, or a smaller one for a baby or toddler - let me know! $5 each.

 { Mustache }

I made the mustache...for fun and as a challenge to see if I could actually shape one! So silly. ;) I think they are fun photo props for any kind of occasion. If anyone would like a mustache - let me know. Selling them for $2. Colors are: turquoise or pink. I really want to glue them to popsicle sticks or something too, so I can easily prop them up.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The February of New: photos, design, crochet

February 2013 has been a month to remember, and it's only the 13th.

Both business and personal life are beginning to blossom a bit more each day. Hard work does pay off - remember that. I have to tell myself that every day. It's easy to get discouraged what with my generation's craving for instant gratification. ;)

I'll break down the first two weeks of February into a few categories:


I have had almost 2 photo shoots each week for The People Picture Company. Not only is it adding to my portfolio, but I've had the privilege to catch up with some acquaintances and make new ones.

A sampling of what I've been up to

Assisting and marketing work is picking up at my studio assisting job too. I've been learning a lot and getting better at taking constructive criticism too. A new motto I've come up with is: constructive criticism is to help, not hurt.

The other day at a shoot, he gave me a pointer on how to set something up because I hadn't set it up in the safest way.
Instead of getting defensive, I said "Thanks for telling me that, I appreciate it and will remember that next time." :) 

Here's to a positive attitude and taking direction in a good way vs. a negative way!


Just last weekend my Mom, Dad, Brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nieces and nephew came to visit. What a treat that was! I gave my mom her birthday present, a yellow and orange beaded necklace made by the talented custom designer Michelle at Myshell. What's funny is, my mom wore an outfit to match without evening knowing it!
please excuse the poor quality phone picture. ;)

 Also, I was honored to take my sister-in-law's family pictures and the kids seemed to have so much fun in the snow. Seeing how much they have each grown up is so cute and it makes me miss them already!


Etsy sales have hit an all time high, which overall isn't very high. BUT I sold a card every day last week. Cards were mailed to California, Ohio, England and even Australia. The internet is such an amazing thing.

Most popular card



Wait, what? Crochet? When did this happen? Well, I JUST took my first crochet basics class this past Saturday. I've always wanted to, but never took initiative. I learned a single and a double stitch and am now about halfway done with a pea green scarf. Here's what it looked like at the very beginning.
Yay, small victories!

Funny thing, when I was crocheting, my friends cat decided to lay on me and she fell asleep with one paw gently place over the ball of yarn. So cute.

February really has been an all-around great month so far. Lots of creativity, lots of family, and lots of fun! I hope this month is serving to be a good one for you as well. Take care!